Norron manages seven different funds in various risk categories. The funds are UCITS V-classed* with absolute return targets, relative to the level of risk associated with each fund. The investment team use proven and recognized methods in developing and applying their strategies as well as in risk management. Our Asset Managers have a significant share of personal financial means directly or indirectly invested in the company’s funds.
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Norron Premium is an actively managed interest fund that invests primarily in Nordic interest-bearing instruments.
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Norron Preserve is an actively managed interest fund that invests primarily in Nordic interest-bearing instruments with a maturity of -1 to 3 years.
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Norron Target is a low-risk fund that aims to deliver a return over time that exceeds OMRX T-Bill by more than 5%.
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Norron Select is managed with an estimated risk in the range of 5-15%, where the variation in risk taking is just an important feature.
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Norron Alpha is a market-neutral fund based on our sole Swedish equity fund, Norron Active. The fund’s objective is to achieve a positive return regardless of the stock market direction.
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Norron Active is an actively managed fund focusing on Swedish equities. The fund can also invest in shares in the other Nordic countries.
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Norron Sustainable Equity is an actively managed sustainability fund with a focus on Nordic equities and the long-term.
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